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Chat Booster
Chat Booster
Provide high-quality and personalized conversation flows to speed up customers resolutions and scale every part of your business.
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You can now automate lead capture and fulfillment processes with a chatbot integrated with your Bitrix24.
Chat Booster is here, the new Br24 app saves salespeople and consultants time, increases your company's ROI and decreases resource investment.
With Chat Booster you can:
- Integrate with any Bitrix24 Open Channel.
- Reduce your customer's lead time with immediate service.
- Create custom chat automation transfers.
- Create up to 5 different chatbots.
- Direct or lead the right consultant and expedite the sale.
- Provide great service right from your website and even from WhatsApp.
- Save the customer history.
And much more!
Plans starting at $19/month. Enjoy!
If you have any suggestions or problems, you can also get support at atendimento.br24.io
You can also access the help tab within the application, there you will find information about various aspects of the application.
Our application operates in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Then I should have translated it for you. Can you join our support channel, so we can help you faster and in more detail, please?
Thank you for understanding.
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