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MAPS MOBILE Sp. z o.o.
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Plan meetings with clients based on their geographical location or plan courier deliveries. Build routes in your Bitrix24 and watch all your clients and partners on the map.

Application Functionality:

  • Display Leads, Deals, Contacts, Companies, Products, Resource Booking - directly on the map
  • Route planning with visiting multiple points
  • Start Point Definition (Company Address, Your address, Certain address)
  • Creating tasks with a list of locations directly from application
  • Objects filtering directly on the map
  • Finding and displaying objects in a radius from the main point
  • Works directly from the Deal details form.
  • Export of route points to Excel, CRM entity detail form and KML-format for My Google Maps (for users who don't use Bitrix24)
  • Regions of responsibility and filter by region. It is possible to assign a manager to a specific region. You can filter objects on the map by region, check which points are in the area of responsibility.
  • NEW! Creation and saving Routes (active, closed) as a entity, point's check-in (with GPS checking) and attaching a place's photo.
  • (NEW!) Filtering by field type "Resource booking"
Meet the version 4 (from 03.27.2023) with the following updates:

When you hover over each object on the map, a mini-card appears with values, including a link to the entity. So, Lead, Deal, Contact or Company will conveniently and quickly open "above" the map, without taking you away from the application to a new tab.

You can also use strict or non-strict filtering (by coincidence in one field).

On the map, you can visualize and understand which reservations of your clients are closer to the specialist assigned to a particular region.

Responsibility zones and radii are displayed in different colors, which allows you to visually quickly assess the area of intersection.

Watch video how it works

Read more about usage scenarios:

Try it for free right now!

Application can be used in English and Polish language.

BONUS when buying an app license key: Installation of the application to your account and its configuring are free!

This app is a flexible solution that can be used both in its standard functionality and by adapting it to your business purposes.

We offer our application optimization services in terms of the requirements, goals and tasks of your company. Among possible changes and remakes:
  • Setting fields and adding data fields;
  • Creating the necessary stages or business process that works on the base of the application;
  • Language and country (geographical) adaptation;
  • Integration with other systems;
  • Customizing application design;
  • Any changes in the application logic and much more.

Start your free 14-day trial period.
Cost per year €120 (netto). Buy license key.

Versão 4
Version 4 Updates:

1) Fixed filtering by standard Bitrix24 Fields (Deal Type, Source…), now the name of the Fields displayed instead of the ID;
2) Added the ability to switch the filter to non-strict filtering (by coincidence on one field)
3) Added different colors of areas for the filter with radii
4) When hovering over a point on the map, in the entity's mini-card - part of the data was in the form of ID, but now shows the values
5) When hovering over a point on the map on a PC, the popup does not immediately disappear, now you can click on the link of chosen entity
6) When clicking on a link in a entity's map card, the entity opens as popup window on top of the map (not in a new tab)

Versão 3
The new version of the application has added functionality:

  • the advanced filter (search for different objects depending on the location of the main object) + improved filtering,
  • specifying the display radius of objects,
  • adding logos to the map for visualization,
  • improved interface for working with the route list (quick addition and removal of route points),
  • export of objects list (excel, kml, adding to the CRM entity details form) and a link to the map for users outside the Bitrix24 (for import into My Google Maps).
Read more about updates here.

Versão 2
The new version of the application has added functionality:

  • the advanced filter (search for different objects depending on the location of the main object) + improved filtering,
  • specifying the display radius of objects,
  • adding logos to the map for visualization,
  • improved interface for working with the route list (quick addition and removal of route points),
  • export of objects list (excel, kml, adding to the CRM entity details form) and a link to the map for users outside the Bitrix24 (for import into My Google Maps).
Read more about updates here.

Versão 1
Plan meetings with clients based on their geographical location or plan courier deliveries. (Building Routes)


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Telephone number: +48226022810 / +12029607167

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Shop: Buy license key

Instructions for installing and configuring the application (ENG, PL)


Complete standard installation procedure at Bitrix24.Market.


1. Go to the application settings and specify the address of your Bitrix24 account.

2. Write the address of your company in a special field in a format understandable for the navigator (street, house, city, country (optional)).
This address will be used while choosing a company as a start point (beginning of a route).

3. Specify the Google Maps API Token.

ATTENTION! When using the test (demo) version, you no longer need to enter the Google API Token! We've made it easier to install the app so you can test it seamlessly and without any problem!

Google API Token will need to be activated only after the trial period expires and/or the license key is purchased.

A detailed instruction how to get it is here

In order to successfully generate the API code, you need to create a paid google account (business account).
IMPORTANT: you will be able to customize the limits, and if you do not exceed the limits (see below), then you will not have to pay for usage, but you still need to connect a billing account.

  • Follow the link to the Google Cloud Platform Console. Sign in to your regular Google account.
  • Go to the "Billing" tab, sel ect the "Manage Billing Accounts" option, then "Add billing account".

  • Next, we fill in the data in 3 steps: we indicate the country, phone number (and the verification code that will come to it). And in the third step, enter information about the company. Fill in the fields: Tax info - you can enter VAT (NIP) of your company, or you can enter any 9-digit number. After filling in, click “Start trial period”.

    IMPORTANT! Connecting (or using) a business account and a payment card is a mandatory step for setting up the correct operation of the app! You will have no additional costs fr om Google while adhering to the free tier restrictions.

    Next, we fill out a small questionnaire from Google and return to the main interface of the Google Cloud Platform.
  • In the menu, select API and Services - Credentials.

  • Here we click Create Credentials - copy the created key and paste it into our application. Save it.

  • Сlick - Restrict key. Here we can give a name for the key, in Application Restrictions we leave the item “No”, but in API Restrictions we sel ect 4 items - Directions API, Geocoding API, Maps Embed API and Maps JavaScript API.

    If you did not see these items, you need to add them to the library so that they become available.
    To do this, scroll to the Google Maps (item in the menu - Go to the API tab. You will see here all the enabled APIs. Sel ect the needed item and click “Enable”.
    After that, it will appear in the list, edit the created API key.

ATTENTION: Please keep in mind the restriction on free use of the Google API. If your application generates requests or map load volumes below the complimentary $200 per month usage, your usage is free. Usage that exceeds the $200 monthly credit will be charged to your billing account.

For each instance, the values ​​of the limits are set individually, so you can designate these limits at your discretion, depending on how you use the application. You can familiarize yourself with the allowed limits in the Google pricing sheet -

To set the limits, go to the APIs & Services Dashboard, select a project (if there are several), select an API fr om the list, click on the "Quotas" tab, "Requests" part and edit the limits in accordance with your practice usage (pay special attention to the Maps JavaScript API).

!! The application uses the Google Maps service in full compliance with the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service.

Watch video how to add Google Maps API Token

4. Next, you must specify the fields that are used in your CRM to indicate the address of entities. For example, if managers use and always write down the client’s address in the standard details field (requisites), simply select it. The address specified in the requisites will be used to determine the location of the client.

If you use non-standard custom fields (for example, your address is made up of separate fields “Street”, “Home”, “Region”), click “Select Fields”, specify the entity (Lead, Deal, Contact, Company) that you want to configure, and choose the fields with information about the address of the entity. Customize the selection of fields for each entity.

IMPORTANT: Changing the selected fields later without reinstalling the application is IMPOSSIBLE. Be careful while choosing fields.

5. Done! Now you can start building a route or visualize your clients or resources on the map. You can do this both through a specific Deal, and through the “Applications” menu of your account.

Watch video how it works